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Magic Beneath

Magic Beneath

I have been visiting Abraham lake for the past 10 plus years during the winter months to see the always impressive bubbles. Locked in lanes these bubbles create such incredible subjects and compliment the already beautiful landscape.  Every year is different, depending on when you get out the conditions can change drastically. I have been out there when the ice is great but the sky is void of cloud or so overcast you can’t see the sky. I have also been out there when the sky is beautiful with colour the ice has clouded over due to heat and snow.

This year it all came together!

Frozen Fire

Frozen Fire

 I trusted my instincts and went early this January, waking up at 2am to make the 4 hour drive. I arrived early and took a nap, still waking up well ahead of sunrise. I started to get ready when I saw that pre sunrise was starting burn vivid orange and red. I quickly got my gear and ran out in the dark to find some bubbles.

The tricky part is to find some that have character and separation for the others. By some stroke of luck I found some incredible bubbles with everything I could wish for. Now that I had the spot to shoot all I needed was sunrise to continue to pop with colour. However by the time I found my spot the clouds above had vanished, leaving a thin layer high in the sky and all that pre sunrise burn had started to fade.

Here I was frustrated, yet another year where the conditions didn’t align. I was about to give up when I noticed a shift in the sky, it started to glow in those high clouds. As they did, more clouds started to roll in from the west, these had more texture. At the same time the sunrise started to burn brighter and brighter. Until it exploded into this inferno of colour!

I could do anything but cheer “thank you” to mother nature for blessing me with such an incredible moment. 

To see  the rest of my work click the link below!